Font Questions
How do I convert between PFB, PFA, Mac(TM), PFM, and AFM?
Write or call Y and Y Software, listed in the fonts section as a vendor.
For NEXTSTEP(TM) systems, write or call Trilithon Software, also listed in the
fonts section as a vendor.
This section answers questions about fonts as they pertain to PostScript.
See the comp.fonts FAQ for more information about fonts.
What are .PFB and .PFA files?
``PFB'' stands for Printer Font Binary, and is a STORAGE FORMAT in which
Adobe Type 1 font programs are usually distributed for IBM PC and compatibles.
Many application programs support fonts in PFB format, and refer to them
as ``downloadable''.
Macintosh uses a radically different binary storage format than PC. See
below for some details. PFB files usually appear in several sections, each
section preceded by a binary header containing the type of the section (ASCII,
binary, or end of file) and the length of the section. Because of the presence
of the binary section headers, and the possible presence of binary data
sections, PFB files cannot in general be sent directly to a PostScript printer.
Application programs like dvips(TM) which use fonts in PFB format unpack the
font into ASCII format before sending it to the printer. If you would like
to use a font which is in PFB format, you must unpack the font to make a
PFA (Printer Font ASCII) file.
Adobe Systems supply a font downloader for PC's which turns the PFB format
into PFA format on the fly as it's being downloaded. ``PFA'' stands for
Printer Font ASCII, which is the unpacked version of a PFB file. In PFB,
the data is stored as-is. In a PFA, any binary data present in a former
PFB file is stored as ``ascii hex''--meaning each byte of binary data is
turned into two ASCII characters representing the hexdecimal value. Once
you have the PFA file, just send it to the printer ahead of your file, and
use the font like any other.
There are several programs which can do the conversion from PFB to PFA for
you. Try t1utils. Details of the PFB format can be found in Adobe Technical
Note# 5040, ``Supporting Downloadable PostScript(TM) Fonts''.
How does Macintosh Store PostScript Fonts?
To start off understanding how Macintosh stores PostScript fonts, first
you need to know that a Macintosh file consists of two different parts,
called ``forks''. The two forks of a Macintosh file are called the ``resource
fork'' and the ``data fork''.
The data fork normally contains the data of the file. In the case of a text
editor, for instance, the data fork contains the text.
The resource fork contains system (resource) information about the file:
who owns the file, its icon maybe, and other information.
The various bits of information in the resource fork are contained in a
complex structure. One of the items is a resource map, detailing the different
kinds of resources and their positions in the resource fork. The reason
you need to know all this is because PostScript Type 1 fonts are stored
in the resource fork of Macintosh files. Why this was done is a historical
mystery now, because the information could just as easily have been stored
in the data fork in a format similar to PFB, and unpacking fonts would have
been a whole lot easier. PostScript Type 1 fonts are stored in resources
with the name POST''.
If you aren't familiar with the layout of resource forks, study the ``Resource
Manager'' chapter of the Inside Macintosh books. Details of Macintosh PostScript
Type 1 storage format can be found in Adobe Technical Note# 5040, ``Supporting
Downloadable PostScript Fonts''. The information in the Adobe Technical
Note is incomplete in the sense that you need to understand the layout of
Macintosh resource forks to make sense of the information. In the majority
of cases, you can assume that the POST resources are stored contiguously
in the resource fork.
Unfortunately, there are a few cases where this isn't true, and the resulting
PFA file will be incorrect. POST resources occur in five types. Type 0 are
comments. Type 1 are ASCII data. Type 2 are binary data. Type 3 are end
of this font program. Type 4 means that the remainder of this font appears
in the data fork of the file! Type 5 means end of file. Having talked about
PostScript Type 1 fonts being stored in the resource fork, why is there
a case where the font comes out of the data fork? Some PostScript Type 3
fonts are stored in this manner.
Why are Adobe fonts hidden?
In PostScript level 1, Adobe's fonts were hidden because they didn't want
people pirating copies instead of paying for them. That's why you can't
do a pathforall on a charpath. PostScript Level Two has removed the restriction,
in the words of the new Red Book, ``for most fonts''. There will still be
some vendors who will want to restrict access. Japanese font vendors, for
example, are concerned about piracy -- given the work that goes into an
8,000-character Kanji font.
How do I get bitmap representations of Adobe fonts?
On the IBM PC, use the Font Foundry program included with the font. If
you don't have it, contact Adobe for an upgrade.
What are some good ftp sites for fonts? /pub/pc/win3/fonts /pub/postscript/fonts
For the NeXT(TM) platform, fonts are available on the NeXT-FTP-archives, :/pub/next/graphics/fonts :/pub/next/fonts
For Macintosh, look in,, and (, in pub/tex/ps-screenfonts.tar.Z.
Color PostScript samples and many other PostScript programs are available
What's the difference between a Type 1 and
a Type 3 font?
The Type 1 font format is a compact way of describing a font outline using
a well-defined language that can be quickly interpreted. The language contains
operations to provide the rasterizer with additional information about a
character, known as hints.
The hints are additional information which describes how to adjust the representation
of the character to make it look good when the font size is small compared
to the device resolution.
The Type 1 font format is defined in the book ``The Adobe Type 1 Font Format'',
also known as the black book, for the colors on its cover. The Type 1 font
format has nothing to do with TrueType, which is another font format defined
by Apple. The Type 1 font format has been around quite a while, and is used
on a wide variety of platforms to obtain scalable fonts.
Most clone interpreters will not have Adobe's proprietary rendering technology
which interprets font hints to improve the appearance of fonts shown at
small sizes on low-resolution devices. The exceptions (PowerPage and UltraScript)
have their own hint interpreters.
The Type 3 font format is a way of packaging up PostScript descriptions
of characters into a font, so that the PostScript interpreter can rasterize
them. It is easier to create a Type 3 font program by hand than to create
the corresponding Type 1 font program.
Type 3 font programs have access to the entire PostScript language to do
their imaging, including the 'image' operator. They can be used for bitmapped
fonts, although that is certainly not a requirement. The Type 3 font format
contains no provisions for 'hinting', and as such Type 3 font programs cannot
be of as high a quality at low resolutions as the corresponding Type 1 font
Both formats are scalable formats, and both can be run on any PostScript
interpreter. However, because of the requirement that a Type 3 font program
have a full PostScript interpreter around, Type 3 font programs cannot be
understood by the Adobe Type Manager. Only Type 1 font programs can.
Why bother making a font that's just made up of bitmaps? Once a character
from a font has been rendered, the bitmap will be saved in a cache, and
another instance of the same character at the same size and orientation
can be quickly drawn without recalculation. Because of Adobe Type Manager's
wide availability on a large number of platforms (PC, Mac, and Unix), the
Type 1 font format makes an excellent cross-platform scalable font standard.
What vendors sell fonts for PostScript printers?
PostScript font vendors are many and varied. Here is a partial list.
Adobe Systems sells a variety of fonts. With the huge number of third-party
Type 1 vendors, in recent years Adobe have specialized in creating their
own ``Adobe Originals'' -- high-quality fonts, some of which are their renditions
of classic faces (Adobe Garamond) and some of their own devising (Stone,
Utopia, ...).
Adobe Systems,
1585 Charleston Road,
Mountain View, CA 94039.
(415) 961-4400
AGFA Compugraphic,
90 Industrial Way, Wilmington,
Massachusetts 01887.
(508) 658-5600.
Bear Rock Technologies specializes in bar code fonts.
4140 Mother Lode Drive,
Suite 100, Shingle Springs California 95682.
Athenaeum House,
Cambridge, MA 02142.
(617) 497-6222.
Callifonts has a really nice looking set of calligraphy typefaces.
P.O. Box 224891, Dallas, TX 75222.
(214) 504-8808.
Casady and Greene,
22734 Portola Drive,
Salinas, CA 93908.
(408) 484-9228.
Ecological Linguistics, specializes in non-Roman alphabets.
Ecological Linguistics,
P. O. Box 15156, Washington D. C. 20003.
Emigre Graphics
4475 ``D'' Street / Sacramento CA 95819
(800) 944 9021 ]
Over 70 faces, all PostScript Type 1 ATM compatible, including the omnipresent
Modula and infamous Template Gothic. Almost all faces are ``must haves''
for graphic designers. Call for free catalog.
The Font Company
12629 North Tatum Boulevard,
Suite 210, Phoenix Arizona 85032.
(602) 998-9711.
Image Club,
# 5 1902 11th St Southeast,
Calgary, Alberta T2G 2G2, Canada.
(403) 262-8008.
Lanston specializes in display faces.
Letraset specializes in fancy kinds of script fonts,
40 Eisenhower Drive,
Paramus, New Jersey 07652.
(201) 845-6100
Linguists Software specializes in non-Roman alphabets (Farsi, Greek, Hangul,
Kanji, etc.)
Linguists Software,
P. O. Box 580,
Edmonds, Washington 98020-0580.
(206) 775-1130.
53 West Jackson Boulevard,
Suite 504, Chicago, IL 60604.
Page Studio Graphics,
Chandler, Arizona,
specialize in symbols fonts such as Mac icons, keyboards, and others,
Page Studio Graphics,
3175 North Price Road,
# 1050, Chandler, Arizona 85224.
(602) 839-2763.
Software Complement specializes in creating logo fonts.
8 Penn Avenue, Metamoras,
Pennsylvania 18366 USA.
The Font Company TreacyFaces
Trilithon Software, Portola Valley, California
can supply fonts from the Adobe Type library for NEXTSTEP. If you're working
on NEXTSTEP, getting fonts in the correct form with ancillary information
and downloaders and such is important. You can convert Mac fonts to NEXTSTEP
(PFA) format, but NEXTSTEP demands AFM files as well, and many Mac/PC font
vendors omit AFM files because Mac/PC apps don't use them. For Adobe fonts
for NEXTSTEP, save yourself a lot of hassle by getting the fonts from Trilithon.
If you want non-Adobe fonts for NEXTSTEP, Trilithon Software can supply
font conversion tools to go from Macintosh or PC format to NEXTSTEP format.
The conversion tools generate AFM files if none are supplied with the fonts,
and sanity check AFM files for correctness when they are supplied.
Two Ohlone,
Portola Valley,
California 94028 USA.
Telephone: (415) 325-0767, FAX: (415) 325-0768. E-Mail:
URW supplies high-quality fonts at low prices.
They are also the creators of the top of the line font creation and editing
software called Ikarus.
4 Manchester Street,
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060.
(603) 882-7445.
Y and Y Software ,
106 Indian Hill,
Carlisle Massachusetts 10741 USA.
(508) 371-3286.
Sells a Font Metric Manipulation Package for DOS with lots of interesting
Many more font vendors exist. Look in magazines and other sources.
Check the Usenet newsgroup comp.fonts. Look in U & lc, published by
ITC, for long lists of vendors.
What are ATM fonts?
There has been a rash of misunderstanding about the nature of Type 1 fonts
and what people call ATM fonts. ATM fonts are Adobe Type 1 fonts. ATM stands
for Adobe Type Manager -- a utility to render smooth characters on Macintosh
and PC screens, from font outlines (Type 1 fonts) instead of using bitmap
fonts. In one sense, there's no such thing as an ``ATM font'' -- ATM interprets
Type 1 fonts, so there's no need to create a new name. A correctly constructed
Type 1 font can be interpreted by ATM.
What are Multiple Master Fonts?
Multiple Master Fonts are an extension to the Adobe font format. providing
the ability to interpolate smoothly between several ``design axes'' from
a single font. Design axes can include weight, size, and even some whacko
notions like serif to sans serif.
Adobes' first Multiple Master Font was Myriad -- a two-axis font with WEIGHT
(light to black) on one axis, and WIDTH (condensed to expanded) along the
other axis. In the case of Myriad, there are four ``polar'' designs at the
``corners'' of the design space. The four designs are light condensed, black
condensed, light expanded, and black expanded. Given polar designs, you
can set up a ``weight vector'' which interpolates to any point within the
design space to produce a unique font for a specific purpose. So you can
get a ``more or less condensed, somewhat black face''.
Do I need a Level Two printer to use Multiple Master Fonts?
No -- Multiple Master Fonts can be used on any PostScript printer. Multiple
Master Fonts need a new PostScript operator known as makeblendedfont. The
current crop of Multiple Master Fonts supply an emulation of this operator
so the printer doesn't need this operator. A short tutorial on Multiple
Master Fonts and makeblendedfont appears in PostScript by Example, by Henry
McGilton and Mary Campione, published by Addison-Wesley.
What are Type 4 fonts?
Type 4 fonts are actually Type 3 fonts which contains a Type 1 font. They're
stored on hard disk in a special way to save space when they're loaded into
printer RAM by findfont. Your interpreter must have the extra PostScript
operator CCrun to handle Type 4 fonts. They are usually used for Kanji (Japanese)
What are Type 5 fonts?
Type 5 fonts are actually Type 1 fonts, but stored in printer ROM in a
special compressed format. They're also known as CROM fonts (for Compressed
ROM fonts). The contents of the CharStrings entries in Type 5 will probably
be different from Type 1.
Is there an editor for Type 1 Fonts?
Fontographer for the Macintosh and MS-Windows under DOS is available from
Altsys Corporation,
269 West Renner Road,
Richardson, Texas 75080 USA.
(214) 680-2060.
Ikarus-M is availble for the Macintosh from
Harksheider Strasse 102,
2000 Hamburg 65, GERMANY. (040) 60 60 50
Or URW Software and Type,
4 Manchester Street,
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060.
(800) 229-8791 in USA. (603) 882-7445 otherwise.